As co-owners of Chalker Group, an all-female firm, Jen Dent and Walton Foster help recruit and retain talented folks for major employers like the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). Beyond showing off the best of Birmingham to draw new talent to the area, they connect recruits with local resources to make the city feel like home. Their efforts include organizing school tours, helping families with special needs, and even introducing places of worship. Get to know these two inspiring FACES of Birmingham!

Two women from the Chalker Group sit on a green couch, smiling and holding glasses of champagne in a modern kitchen setting.Pin
Meet our newest FACES of Birmingham — Walton Foster (left) and Jen Dent (right) of Chalker Group. Image: Provided

What inspired you to helm Chalker Group?

Walton: I had been at Chalker for eight-plus years, and it was a natural next step. Barbara Burton, our founder, had run it for 10 years and was ready to think about what was next for her. And she wanted us to think about what was next for us. Having a mentor who was excited to pass the torch, and doing work we love — it was a very easy ‘yes.’

Jen: Walton and I had been running the business for a year or so before Barbara offered to sell it to us, and it’s the only thing I’ve ever done that doesn’t feel like work at all. So, if I had the opportunity to continue to do that work but in an ownership role, there was no downside.

What do you love so much about the work you do?

Jen: My love language is gift-giving and creating experiences for people. And I’ve always been a resource person. People call me for random stuff because they know I won’t give up until I find it. So, when I started working for Chalker, it was like giving these families the gift of an experience that would change their lives.

We curate at such a detailed level, specifically for them, helping them find their people. And there’s a higher purpose of what our work is doing for our city. I truly believe that every person who comes here makes our city more diverse and richer.

Walton: The people we get to work with are such a gift to us. It’s incredible to get to know them in such a deep way.

What did you do before Chalker, and how did those roles prepare you for your work now?

Walton: My background is in the arts. I worked in museums and galleries. There’s an education piece to that — connecting people to things, which is obviously what we do for Chalker. And I sneak in as much art as I can when people are here.

Jen: I lived abroad for a couple of years in Buenos Aires, so I think I’ve always had this natural affinity for wanting to learn about other cultures. Our clients are super diverse, so I have to dig into things all the time — like learning about the Muslim or Indian communities — and I love that. Also, I have my MBA in marketing and had my own wedding industry business. I joke that if you can work with brides, you can work with anybody.

Two women from the chalker group stand side by side, both smiling. The one on the left wears a floral dress, while her companion on the right dons a purple dress with floral embellishments.Pin
After working at Chalker Group for several years under the firm’s founder, Barbara Burton, Walton and Jen were honored to spearhead the work. They are bringing the best and brightest to Birmingham! Image: Provided

What are some of your favorite things about Birmingham?

Walton: Most recruits enjoy spending time outdoors, and here, you can be outdoors 12 months a year. Red Mountain Park is a great friend of Chalker, so we do guided tours. And, of course, the arts are my favorite. I love to take people to the Birmingham Museum of Art or AEIVA (Abroms-Engel Institute for the Visual Arts). And we love to bring people to the Pepper Place Farmers’ Market if they’re here on a Saturday.

Jen: Definitely food! We’re always going to have a nice meal.

A group of people from the Chalker Group stand in front of a colorful mural that says, "It's the right time to believe in Birmingham.Pin
The Chalker Group for Business Alabama | Image: Provided

Tell us about some of the things you’ve implemented for Chalker Group’s own team culture.

Walton: Flexibility and collaboration are at the center of what we do. We work together to create experiences and find resources, and [everyone on] our team is juggling something — whether it’s another job or a family. It’s a team environment where we step in and back each other up.

Jen: I think we can agree that work-life balance is a myth. It’s a pendulum. The general culture of our team is that when your pendulum of life is heavier, we step in to help with the work piece of it. They have the autonomy to say when they need help. We respect that immensely because I know tomorrow my pendulum could swing; I may need help with work. It makes for a really happy group of women.

What do you like to do when you’re not working?

Walton: If I’m in town on a Saturday, I’m at the Pepper Place Farmers’ Market. I see as much art as I can. I love to go to the Birmingham Museum of Art. It’s always something different, and I have favorite pieces that I go back to every time. I love AEIVA; they do the most interesting, thought-provoking, challenging, fun events. And we both play pickleball!

Jen: I really like local shopping at places like Theadora, At Home, and Shea Davis in downtown Homewood. And I love going to Remy’s Dog Park at Red Mountain Park.

Two women stand together indoors, dressed in formal evening gowns—one in a floral pattern and the other in red.Pin
Don’t let the fancy dresses fool you! Walton and Jen love to hit the pickleball court when they’re not working. Image: Provided

Who or what is inspiring you right now?

Jen: I’m slightly (if not completely) obsessed with a book called Unreasonable Hospitality. I live by it. The book is based in the restaurant industry, but it applies to any industry, including our work and how we’re constantly trying to elevate these experiences. I draw from it all the time.

Walton: It sounds corny, but I’m inspired by our recruits. We get to learn about the groundbreaking work they’re doing in science and medicine. The work that is happening at UAB is amazing.

What’s your best piece of advice?

Jen: I truly believe, especially with women, that there’s always more room at the table. Always make a seat at the table. Your success does not depend on someone else’s failure. The more we do together, the better it’s all going to be.

Walton: Just be yourself. As women, we’re always comparing ourselves to others. But your gifts should be at that table, too.


Three things you can’t live without?

Jen: An old-school paper calendar, my sleep mask, and my dogs, Howdy and Partner.

Walton: Spicy margaritas, wild yeast sourdough bread from the Continental Bakery, and art.

Last delicious local meal?

Jen: Every single thing I eat at Current Charcoal Grill.
Walton: Mushroom toast at Automatic Seafood.

Favorite place to vacation?

Jen: Smith Lake
Walton: Not that I vacation there regularly, but I love Paris.


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Author: Javacia Harris Bowser
About the Author
Javacia Harris Bowser

Javacia is a freelance writer based in Birmingham and the founder of <a href="">See Jane Write</a>, a website and community for women who write and blog. Three things she can't live without are tacos, her Day Designer planner, and music by Beyonce.