That time between Halloween and New Year’s Day is known for an abundance of EVERYTHING. More food, more parties, more drinks, more shopping, more spending. It’s also known for things that fall by the wayside: sleep, exercise, and eating well.

Work also becomes challenging during these months for me (and many others). As a business owner, I’m worried about setting budgets for the next year and finishing out our year strong. We take off three days at Thanksgiving and over a week between Christmas and the new year, but this also means condensed months with the same amount of work that needs to be done. With almost two weeks off in the same six-week period, those work days get super stressful.

It’s easy to get run down during this time, and I’ve found myself getting sick each December for about a decade. Seriously — I would hit Christmas and be sick each year. I made some changes and found that I’m now healthier and happier. These tips also help set up January to be that much better.

I hope these tips help you out as well – even if it’s to consider for next year!

Tip #1: Stop Drinking So Much Alcohol

Depending on the year, I either completely stop drinking alcohol from the day after Thanksgiving to Christmas, or I pre-plan the few nights I’ll imbibe, and I leave it to these days only. For example, this year, I’ve picked out one holiday party where I’m drinking. That’s it; no other drinking until we leave on vacation on December 20. For me, I find without strong boundaries, I drink too much during the holidays, and then I get poor sleep, and it runs me down even more. I need to be at peak health right now, and not drinking helps me have the extra stamina needed.

While many abstain from drinking in January, I find either abstaining during the holidays or pre-planning my alcohol and sticking to it has kept me healthy, less exhausted, and ready to take on the excitement of a new year with new adventures.

Tip #2: Assess What You Naturally Make Resolutions For Each Year

If you vow to lose 20 pounds every year, decide to eat healthier this holiday season as a stair-step to a better January. The indulgences of the holiday season and the permissions we give ourselves can overwhelm us when January hits. If it’s to spend less money, lose weight, get more sleep, spend more time with friends … whatever it is, do a little bit now and then dive in stronger as we turn the page to January. Taking the momentum you’ve already started and improving it will be easier than going from one extreme to another.

Tip #3: Make Reminders NOW For Next Year

Did you like a particular Thanksgiving recipe (or not like one)? Are you overwhelmed with the idea of holiday cards? Do you wish you had ordered Advent calendars for your loved ones? Do you realize something at work keeps happening and want to prevent it next year? Don’t just accept these things. Mark your calendar or make a reminder and change next year TODAY. You do not need to stay on the hamster wheel of the same stress points each year.

The holidays come with things you can’t control — take a moment to plan for your next year when you are in the midst of the stress of this year, and you’ll find that you are making actual plans to alleviate some stress points for next year while feeling empowered this year.

Tip #4: Move Your Body

Don’t drop your workout routine. If you need to scale back, scale back. But embrace a realistic step goal, weight training goal, or stretch goal. If you don’t work out, decide now to do SOMETHING … but not the big “New Year’s resolution” thing. You’ll feel better and have more energy, and who doesn’t want that? Take the time and move your body — don’t wait until January to make this commitment to yourself.

Tip #5: Make Your Bed

I know. It’s such a simple thing. But when you start your day making your bed, you are more likely to be happy and accomplish more for the day. During a time of year when stress is high, and we all want to eke out every last ounce from the day, doesn’t this one-minute task sound appealing? You’ll leave your room having accomplished something besides getting ready and be reminded of that each evening, too. Studies show you’ll even end up with more sleep and better quality sleep.

Final Thoughts On Making It Through The Holidays

The final two months of the year are hard but beautiful. Put some boundaries in place and show up for yourself and your health. If you start now, you won’t feel so behind in January, and next year is far more likely to be that magical year where you can keep those resolutions.

It’s just a matter of having the right warm-up plan.


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Liza Graves
About the Author
Liza Graves

As CEO of StyleBlueprint, Liza also regularly writes for SB. Most of her writing is now found in the recipe archives as cooking is her stress relief!